This is my story & if I don’t tell it
No one will know
If no one will know
No one will care
If no one will care
Something is lost
This is my story & if I don’t tell it
Something is lost
Facts are good and graphs are great, but do they evoke emotional responses in your audience? Using the facts in hand, how can you build confidence and conviction with various stakeholders? Stories are important in business because they can engage audiences, help them relate to your ideas and enable response. Stories help us contextualise ideas, challenges and scenarios that make it very easy to bring people on board. Stories are also simple and get the job done easily. We are all the time subconsciously consuming stories of different kinds that we intuitively understand the language and formats of stories. So why not tell them more actively with business stakeholders?
Think about how people make friends and create bonds. Think about great speeches that have changed people's mindsets. Think about CEO's who've led companies through crisis scenarios. What did they all do? They brought people on board, by telling stories. Stories of who they are, stories of their vision, stories of courage and stories of hope.
Our story telling workshop is compact and crisp. In 4 hours, the participants will create a set of powerful stories which they can immediately start using that very day, be it in a sales pitch or in customer engagement. We've built a very easy technique/framework that will help you capture stories from your point of view and document it, so that you can tell stories, time and again for business success. You can also start creating a set of stories for the organisation, that anyone can tell at various points in time.
At the end of four hours..
- You will understand the structure of a story and what a narrative arc is.
- You will get access to storytelling tips that can make their stories compelling
- You will get an exclusive story framework that they can use in their daily workplace to develop business stories.
- You will have a set of stories (Sales story, Customer Story, Challenge story, Leadership Story, Process Story) which you can start telling right away.